1st hoodie and trainers? Sure, it’s a bit of a dirty job, Lagerfeld already preached that. But so comfortable that even Jesus would have worn the Hartz IV look in the home office.
2. singing along to the forgotten indie classics on Radio Paradise at the top of your voice increases efficiency to the same extent as three espressos on an empty stomach.
3. we finally amortize the rent, save on parking fees, public transport tickets and bicycle fines for running red lights.
4. public transport: the elbow fights in the rush-hour packed S-Bahn are also a thing of the past. Instead, we keep fit with YouTube early morning yoga, a long shower and reading the newspaper for breakfast.
5 Instead of running to the post office with collection slips, we finally get to meet the charming parcel carrier!
1. eating and working at the same table, and always so alone. Have you already talked to the candlestick?
2 . why are the construction workers across the street making such a racket, and does the retired neighbor upstairs have to have her vacuum cleaner roaring five times a day? We hardly ever hear which song is currently playing on Radio Paradise.
3. disconcerting: checking the app to see what the weather is like outside and realizing in the evening that we’ve walked fewer steps than hours have passed.
4. the app says: “Bathing weather”? Goodbye work ethic, hello (too) early finish!
5 . does the little man who empties garbage cans, refills toilet paper and cleans floors at the company also make house calls?