1. if you’re looking for a pizza, you’ll find it from Delhi to Doha to Duisburg and Dietlikon…
2.…and can get enough to eat practically anywhere for less than 20 euros (usually considerably less).
3. the bottom line is that the mafia cake consists of little more than bread and cheese. Absolute minimalism, perfected into an art form in a way that only the Italians can achieve.
4 Who the hell is Knigge? Eating with your hands is a highly sensual experience. For the pizza, we leave the cutlery in the star temple itself.
5. those hungover Sunday afternoons when we discover a cold margarita from the previous evening in the fridge next to the milk.
1. white vest? Forget it: threads of cheese all the way to Palermo. Tomato sauce, falling mushrooms – the mortal enemies of a clean wardrobe.
2. some widely established creations border on culinary felonies. The would-be exotic Eighties relic Hawaii with canned pineapple. The kebab pizza. And all with rocket.
3. the futile debate as to which is the best.
4. the even more futile debate about the quality criteria. Bread-like, airy edges or crispy and thin like crispbread? Thick toppings across all food categories or sparingly scattered toppings?
5 Finally, pizza is a victim of its own success – because it always has a bit of the nimbus of the 0815 emergency solution attached to it.