Space is limited, as is the budget, but not the ideas for squeezing the maximum quality of life out of a few square meters. With enough brains, even the smallest area can be turned into a house – extraordinary, cute and so spectacular that we clap our hands loudly.
Mountain hut, Marte.Marte, Laterns, Austria
Meteorite, Sotamaa, Kontiolahti, Finland
La Loica & La Tagua Cabins, Matanzas, Chile
Love2 House, Takeshi Hosaka, Tokyo, Japan
Minimod Curucaca, MAPA, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Kivijärvi Resort / Niliaitta Prototype, Studio Puisto, Kivijärvi, Finland
Seroro, Smaller Architects, Seoul, South Korea
House Tokyo, Hiroyuki Unemori, Tokyo, Japan
Small Houses
Climate change, population growth, scarcity of resources: the hand is pointing to twelve. What do we do? Be inventive and use our brains to make the best of what we have. In 25 countries, grandiose small houses are being built from a maximum of 100 square meters, designed by 57 architects, which are in no way inferior to their big sisters in terms of spectacularity.
Philip Jodidio, “Small Houses”, hardcover, 424 pages, Taschen, ca. 60.- (
Tiny houses are on trend. Here you can find out how to build one yourself and here we reveal the most beautiful tiny house hotels.
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