Maxime Möckl’s grin is never wider than when he boards an airplane. Then the model, who also works as an influencer, is particularly happy, not least because the Hamburg native can escape the winter from time to time, the cold of which doesn’t suit her at all.
FACES: How did you become an influencer?
Maxime Möckl: I’ve always enjoyed talking about my day and sharing the things that bring me joy. Accordingly, I already shared a lot on social media during my time as a full-time model – and that’s how I became an influencer.
F: What does your normal working day look like?
MM: As I’m a model and influencer, everything is very spontaneous and planned last minute. Some days I have shoots, and other days I produce content for clients that my amazing social media agency refers to me! Every day is varied. I usually plan my days the night before, depending on what job I have or what clients I’m working for!
F: How long do you tweak a photo before you post it on Instagram?
MM: It depends on the customer and the effort involved. What do they want to have published? Feedpost, reel and/or story? On average, I need around two hours for a normal picture.
F: What will you be doing in ten years?
MM: That’s a good question that I can’t and don’t want to answer. I love living in the moment and manifesting my goals internally.
F: A preconception about influencers that isn’t true? And one that is true?
MM: One prejudice is definitely that we get everything for free, don’t have to do anything and are paid for it. There is actually so much more to the job than some people think! I partly agree with the prejudice that the industry is superficial. But it always depends on who you are working with. I’m very lucky here with my agency: the collaboration is great, and the clients they refer to me always suit me very well!
F: Coolest invitation you’ve ever received as an influencer?
MM: The invitations to Fashion Week are the most fun for me! As I’m allowed to produce content all the time and have to work, these are usually very exhausting days, but they are still so nice. Nevertheless, I find it difficult to answer the question as I have only had positive experiences with all the great invitations so far.
F: What is your definition of an influencer?
MM: For me, an influencer is someone who posts videos and pictures, who gets followers interested in his or her work. share their lives, inspire them and build a great community.
“I love living in the moment.”
F: Who do you stalk yourself on Instagram?
MM: There are a few influencers that I really like to follow on Instagram. In general, I always try to make sure that they realize what inspires me.
F: The best compliment you’ve ever received for your work?
MM: The best thing is definitely the feedback from my community! I was once told by my followers that I come across as positive and brighten up their day with my stories. I’m always really happy to hear that – it makes my work all the more fun, especially because these compliments come from people who “only” follow me on Instagram, so to speak.
F: At what moments do you wish you were more anonymous?
MM : When it comes to situations that are private and people ask me why I don’t share this topic on Instagram. I’ve also had to experience a few stalking situations that were very unpleasant for me.
F: What’s on your mind the most right now?
MM: How I can combine my work even more with traveling. Traveling is one of the things that makes me happiest and enriches my life. However, I have to say that I have often had the opportunity to combine traveling with my work. “The best of both worlds”, so to speak.
F: What are you particularly proud of?
MM: To have built up my own business, which I enjoy so much, up to here on my own! In the meantime, of course, I have the support of my great agencies.
F: What would you change if you had the power?
MM: To eradicate body shaming on social media and throughout the fashion industry.
F: Who is your role model?
MM: I have a lot of role models because I generally love to be inspired by great women out there.
F: What do you collect?
MM: When I was little, I used to take a small stone with me from every trip as a souvenir. Unfortunately, I stopped at some point – but maybe I’ll just start again.
F: What experience will you never forget?
MM: My trip to Cape Town. I lived there for three months when I was on the road as a model. I immediately fell in love with the city!
F: What do you like to spend money on? What not for?
MM: I like to spend money on my loved ones. I just love making other people happy with things that mean something to them! On the other hand, I don’t like to spend money on excess baggage…
F: What do you want people to say about you?
MM: I like to simply say exactly what they really think about me. But of course I prefer it if they get to know me personally first.
Photos: © Maxime Möckl / Fab4Media