Maxi skirts are booming this season. We show the coolest looks from the streets of Milan, Paris, London or New York and those for which we don’t even have a tired smile.

Mary Poppins would be proud of this outfit!

Children’s department or what?

Everything is just right here.

This skirt is the result of a low-budget Arielle production.

Solid proof that men should rock more skirts

Straw hat or fruit basket?

Cruella, where have you left your Dalmatians?

This children’s scribbling belongs on the fridge.

A wedding street style? Keep them coming!

This poor woman is almost drowning in her outfit.

This dress casts more elegant waves than the Californian sea.

Not what we imagine a denim skirt to be.

Classic with an alternative touch – we love it!

Two words: Loco Banana.

Our dream cast for a women-in-black reboot.

The mere sight of this image makes us feel uneasy.

Less is more.

Cinderella before her makeover.

Suit or dress? Why not both?

We’ll get the lawnmower out of the garage.

The cap doesn’t have to be, but the hat is a hit!

This top looks as if it has been washed too hot.

If you weren’t a believer before, you are now.

Someone got lost in time by a few centuries.

This look is so good that even Wednesday Addams copies it.

It makes us salivate.

You simply have to love this Marilyn Monroe snapshot.

It’s not just the accessories that are missing, but also the sense of style.

The perfect balance between punk and elegance

Not bad, but miles away from being okay.
Looking for ideas for great maxi skirts for the coming season? Here ‘s a large selection of styles for your wardrobe.
Fancy even more hot street style looks? Here you’ll find a whole load of outfits from Milan, Paris, London and New York.
Teaser photo & photos: © Launchmetrics SpotlightSM