A tie is probably the easiest way to make an outfit elegant. Let’s see how our candidates implement this on the street.

This outfit has exactly one use: Rain and sun protection.

Anyone who manages to skillfully style a skirt over trousers has real talent.

The tie is completely lost in the sight of the toxic yellow mane.

The simple outfit balances out the extravagant make-up well.

Once had potential – until someone grabbed the jacket with scissors.

The tie even without a shirt – hell yeah!

This tie could have used a pinch more pizzazz.

If you don’t have an unhealthy number of leather jackets hanging in your wardrobe, you don’t have to make friends with us.

The lumberjack shirt could have stayed in the forest.

Finally someone who dares to wear a tie a little more!

The underpants must have cost a lot to show them off like that.

Cool color combination from Head to Toe.

We could write a whole horror book about this outfit.

Almost everything fits here – except the torn pants.

Shorts over pants in sunny weather? We get sunstroke just looking at it.

A simple eye-catcher, well done.

When you are in the toilet and have forgotten to lock the door.

Britney Spears would be proud.

The vest combined with the hat should be recognized as a public nuisance.

Flattering and super stylish.

What was too much for candidate 13 is too little for her.

Austin Powers has dressed up.

With this outfit, you shouldn’t be surprised if you’re called “Nerd!” in the hallway.

Blocks out and quickly made inspo notes for the colder seasons.

This gentleman has to go on a fishing trip in the jungle after the meeting with the CEO.

Our first 11 out of 10 of the day.

Street style or living Formula 1 flag?
You can find out how to tie ties correctly here.
The dear tie… It’s not so easy to know how to combine it properly! Here ‘s our guide and our decoded dress codes.
Teaser photo & photos: © Launchmetrics SpotlightSM