No cash for games consoles as a child, now Yang Liu is making a living – with interactive online games.
Too poor for video games, he plays online for free – but fails miserably. Tools and instructions help you to improve your performance in League of Legends. He’s not a gifted gamer – but while others are still chasing Pikachus, Yang Liu, at 29, has made it to the 2021 list of America’s most successful under-30s just in time. The Pokémon tracker makes the start, Zomb’s Royale the breakthrough. Nothing to do with zombies – 2018 co-founder of the Forbes Under 30 End Game Interactive, a lousy two-person team. The company launches the simple 2D survival game within four weeks. The hit – not graphically insane, but free to play and potentially addictive. It goes quickly, quickly. 65 million players, millions in winnings. The Chinese man is modest: He develops games, but basically doesn’t know exactly what he is doing. The people around him believed in him. How nice, but no way: The gaming industry is new and extensive, the genres as diverse as the preferences of the players. Free-to-play browser games: Yang Liu knows the gap in the market. And closes them with the games he played back then. The team of inexperienced game developers grows by 18 and receives three million in funding from high-profile investors. The aim – to bring as many games onto the market as quickly as possible. Not to fill his pockets, but because gambling brings people together. That’s what gaming really does broaden your horizons beyond the screen. His games thus encourage interest in other people, Yang Liu teaches one thing above all: no matter where you come from – for example from a hopeless corner of America – passions are worth pursuing. Especially when your parents leave home so that you can grow up in a society that allows you to dream. Is he talking about the American Dream? Well, Yang Liu lives it.